Paintings are all hung and we are ready for the 18th Annual Lemonville Show tomorrow and Sunday. Great show so don't miss it. Over 200 paintings from 18 different artists.
Lemonville Community Centre,
13453 McCowan Rd,
Stouffville Ontario,
10 am to 5 pm both days.
The weather should be good so it will be a great weekend for a drive in the country.
Okay, so clearly I spoke too soon. I apologize. It must be my jinx on things. Spring has disappeared. A cold, rainy, cold, flurries tonight weekend in suburban Stouffville.
I am not complaining just observing.....where is spring?
The crisis in Japan continues. Please click here herefor the information about the free paintings that I am giving away. I am in awe of the support of this project. Thank you, the people of Japan thank you!
I do believe in enjoying every moment, life goes on in spite of tragedy.
It is a beautiful sunny day in southern Ontario. I think it is safe to say Spring is here! I saw my first robin on the weekend and there is a tulip peeking up in my front garden.
Stay tuned. Getting ready for the Lemonville Group of Artists show.
Things do not sound like they are getting any better in Japan. Imagine not having your identification, worrying about radiation, where your loved ones are, if they are even alive. This is so overwhelming on so many levels. I have 5 Ensō paintings still available for free, the watercolour painting is no longer available. Read the following posts for the details how you can obtain your choice.