So it has come to is cold. While I don't mind the fall weather and enjoy cool nights and warm days I really don't like what comes after. So today was a sad day ....I wore my winter coat.
On a good note I am painting and things are working. Yippee
Beautiful weather....great crowds....the 9th Annual Stouffville Studio Tour was a hit. We had people at our studio from all over southern Ontario..... Right now I am trying to get my space back into order. Thank you to everyone who stopped by....looking forward to next year.
So the countdown to the Studio Tour has is always fun but also a little overwhelming thinking of everything that needs to be done to be ready.
I am picking up frames for the final paintings today then all that is left to do is put everything together.
I did find this painting when I was organizing my work....yes artists organize! I really liked it and am including it in the tour.
If you are in downtown Stouffville Saturday or Tuesday from 1-3 stop by and say hello. I will be demonstrating in the lobby of the Care and Share/ Latcham Gallery.
I also have a painting in the lobby of the new 19 on the Park Theatre ... also in downtown Stouffville.
I had a fantastic weekend...the opening of the Canada/USA Sumi-e Exhibition on Friday night then a 2 day workshop from a Chinese brush master on how to make brushes....I will never look at hair from any animal or for that matter whiskers and feathers the same!
In between all of this last week I did several paintings. This is one of them inspired by the Grand Canyon area.